Monday, January 21, 2013

A Very Short List

At this starting-over point in my life, I've been musing on what I really need to make me happy (as in, a long-term plan).  After much weeding out of unnecessary things, here are the two things I really feel *must* be present in my life for it to be fulfilling and satisfactory to me.

1. I want a passel of children and I want to homeschool them. Biologically mine or not, it doesn't matter.
2. I want a semi-nomadic lifestyle.  Meaning, I want to be on the go a lot--volunteer trips, visiting family and friends, traveling for pleasure.  And when I'm at "home base," ideally our home would be a train-station-like flurry of loved ones who know that they can drop in at any time and stay for as long as they like.

Unconventional? Yes. But totally possible. Of course, I have work to do and education to complete before I'll have enough money and skills to support me and Ro, and to buy a modest home-base.  Holler, goals! Onward!

Oh, and a plug for my all-time favorite blog, Sparkling Adventures.  Lauren and her family aren't the reason I want to be nomadic--I've wanted that for years and just found her blog about a year ago--but she showcases how wonderfully the lifestyle can suit a free-spirited family.  I'd want to be at home-base more than they are, but they're still the bee's knees.

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